The Love Test: How To Know If You Truly Love God - Bishop Oyedepo’s Teachings


Pastor David Oyedepo

Bishop David Oyedepo is one of the most reputable men of God in Nigeria perhaps, one of the few true men of God who have continuously reflect the wisdom of God which is Devine, in their lives and most importantly, their teachings. I came across this sermon by the General Overseer of the Living Faith Church in which he shared with believers ways to know if you truly love God. 

It’s more of a love test on yourself to examine deeply if you truly love God as a believer, in his sermons titled “ Understanding The Ministry Of The HolyGhost 3 “ Oyedepo examined five character as a baseline to judge if you truly Love God or not. 

  1. Loving The Word : The question, do you love the word of God ? might seem easy because many Christians read the Bible at least few times a week, with some only on Sundays but is that enough? One of Bishop Oyedepo key point in loving God is being in love with his words. He said true believers are naturally moved by God’s Words , they love it with all their hearts and don’t neglect the Bible. 
  2. Loving His House:  truly you can’t say you love God without having the burning desire to be in his presence. Bishop Oyedepo points out that Every true believer loves the house of God he stated that fellowship is not a show to a lover it’s about coming to His presence. In his wisdom, the man of God reference people who claim to be busy or feel proud because of their possessions or positions in life he said, if you brag in your life don’t brag at God’s presence.
  3. Being Unashamed In The Pursuit Of God And The Interest Of His Kingdom:     True lovers of God don’t hide their identity in Christ nor do they shy away from any thing that concerns God. The man of God made us to understand that it’s important be exited and always ready to share the wonders of God in our lives at all times without constraints. Remember the Bible says “Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels” (Luke 9:26).
  4. Giving Towards the Growth Of God’s Kingdom:  in this point the man of God explained that true lovers of God demonstrate their love through giving, not for show off , but because of their love for God. 
  5. Giving towards the advancement of the kingdom of God first then showing that we love God by also touching the lives of the poor and needy. This is another proof that shows you love God. Love one another : the last but not the least proof that shows you love God is your attitude towards your fellow brethren. You can’t say you love God if you don’t show that same love to people around you just like what the Bible say “ Love your neighbor as you love yourself - Mark 12: 31. This is the second greatest commandment Jesus preached about . Bishop Ayodepo said love manifest itself to those around you, it’s not hidden. Singing love to people is not love , actions after all is greater than words.

Reading and understanding these wisdom from Bishop David Oyedepo, we should reflect on our lives and try to answer the question, Do you love God ? Knowing what it means to love God the question becomes a bid harder to answer right ? I pray God will give us the wisdom and strength to continue loving him in truth and in spirit. 

Pan nan

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