When Blood Means Love: The Power of Blood Oath in a Relationship

When Blood Means Love: The Power of Blood Oath in Relationship

 Being in a relationship and loving someone is supposed to be unconditional, people say love without a reason is the best because when you have reasons why you love someone one day , those reasons maybe threatened so bad then heartbreak usually follows . Different people have their personal ways of handling love, some  people just want to love and be loved same way, hoping nothing bad happen and can do anything possible to keep their relationship alive but relationships aren’t bed of roses all the time.  There are times you completely trust your partners with all your heart , giving all you got and trying your best to show them how much they mean to you and yet, they end up breaking your heart. 

Sometimes the people we once knew to be Genuine can one day change because that’s human nature and no one could be 100 % sure about what the future holds for the relationship this is why some lovers have taken an unconventional approach towards keeping their love forever through the act of a Blood-Oath. Have you ever thought of doing something life this with your partner?  Does blood covenant actually works ? What is blood oath and why do some lovers belief in it ? I will try to answer those questions and clarify the impact of a Blood Oath taking in a relationship in this post, are you ready ? Let’s go ! 

Blood Oath Meaning 

So what’s a blood oath ?  Like the name implies, it’s an oath people take to pledge allegiance or show commitment towards a course by using blood as a seal. In ancient times, people cut their selfs and mix their blood when taking an important oath because they believe it has a strong spiritual bond that binds people together as such, breaking the alliances or promises could come with serious consequences. It is their own way of showing strong commitments towards whatever they swear the oath for. The ancient Romans used to take these oaths to seal an important agreements, people like the great Julius Caesar have sworn this kind of oath along side Pompey and Crassus to form the very first Triumvirate. 

In modern times, many secret societies and groups like the Freemasons, gang members and occult groups have taken blood covenant as an important part of their initiation where members swear an oath never to disclose their activities and stay bonded to the group forever. These practices can be seen even today in some cultures across the world especially in Africa, there are cultures that believe in taking a blood oath as a way of protecting a secret or sealing trust and loyalty between two people or groups. 

Does it work ? And Why do people swear Blood Oath in Relationships? 

I’ve heard stories of people who ran mad after breaking a blood oath and others die mysteriously, we can never be sure if it work that way but one thing is certain, some people believe in it and still involve in the practice. You might ask why? Why would people subject themselves to this kind of thing? Well people do all manner of unbelievable things when they’re in love After all, love is blind right ? 

One of the leading reasons why some lovers settle for blood oath is because they simply can’t afford to lose themselves, that’s right ! Fear of heartbreak or broken relationship. In other cases, lovers would want their partner to do this as a form of proof of love and commitment, they believe this will take away cheating and guarantee an everlasting relationship. 

Consequences of Swearing a Blood Oat

 Taking a blood oath can have impactful effects both negative and positive ones for example in the positive aspect, it can strengthen the relationship between two lovers and give them a sense of security and loyalty. On the negative side, this practice can leave a bad psychological effect on people who involve in this oath most especially when they break the promise. The oath comes with huge responsibility and obligation to be kept sacred, when one person fails to uphold the promises, they may feel guilt or start thinking about the consequences which is often believed to be spiritual punishment and this can lead to depression, anxiety among other mental illnesses. 

I believe it’s unethical because taking a blood oath constrains your basic right to freedom of association because even when you want to leave the relationship and find someone who’s perhaps better, the thought of being bonded by blood and the oath keeps you entangled with your partner for a long time, you won’t be free to find and associate with someone else the way you’d want.  Furthermore, many blood transmitted diseases like HIV and AIDS can be transmitted during such act which poses a huge health threat. 


 Swearing a blood oath with your lover might seem like a fantastic way of making sure no one cheats in the relationship but it comes with many consequences that people need to understand before making such commitments. We are humans and human feelings are dynamic, you can’t just promise to love and be with someone for ever because people grow and change and this changes may affect how you feel about them overtime.  What happens when you really need to get out of an abusive relationship ? Do you stay because of an oath or do you move on ? These are things you’ll need to consider before taking a blood oath. 

Pan nan

Hi there, I’m a simple person with simple principles, writing amazing articles gives me peace and a sense of fulfillment. Contact me for writing jobs and other business opportunities: Pannandez@gmail.com

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